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Urban Formation provided the land economics and housing market analysis for the Airdrie Housing Needs Assessment Study. This included using the Housing Assessment Resource Tool (HART) to evaluate housing affordability conditions.


Project Partners:  Leading Housing, Toop Consulting


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Urban Formation worked on a background study for the Town of Saugeen Shores that recommended pursuing a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) to facilitate the timely development of affordable and diverse housing opportunities. Tasks included a real estate market analysis, demographic trends analysis, and financial feasibility analysis for infill housing development concepts.


Project Partners:  Hertel Planning, Process


Urban Formation provided StrategyCorp with pro forma guidance for a proposed master planned development located in the Greater Toronto Area.




Research conducted with Dr. Tony Hernandez at the Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity examined the relationship between municipal retail planning practices and the development of big box retail and power centres in the Greater Toronto Area. The study indicated that planning policies did not respond to the influx of big box retail development and as a result approvals continued to reinforce sprawling growth patterns throughout the region.


Published by Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity2018

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Research conducted with Dr. Brian Webb identified the long term challenges expected to emerge in high density neighbourhoods characterized by fragmented condominium ownership. The City of Toronto served as a case study and the results suggested that achieving a consensus in these vertical subdivisions will be difficult when planning changes and property owner reinvestment are necessary.


Published in Cities, 2017


Research conducted with Dr. Tony Hernandez at the Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity examined the underlying factors motivating large-format retail Ontario Municipal Board appeals. The key finding was that hearings were used as leverage for tribunal settlements that allowed power centre developments to continue.


Published in International Planning Studies, 2016

Research conducted with Dr. Kevin Hanna examined the relationship between housing and sustainable development on the Oak Ridges Moraine. A key conclusion was that land-use planning requires specific definitions and developer incentives to achieve sustainability objectives. This article was part of a study funded by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.


Published in Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 2014

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